I love to buy cook books.
I do show some restraint (LOL) but there are some I buy almost automatically (Donna Hay ... find her recipes always work really well).
I read about this book on Tamar Bostock's blog

I was thrilled to find a copy in Port Lincoln, which is not always the easiest place to find a different book, if you know what I mean.
So far I have made the Spiced Quinoa, sweet potato, broccoli and cranberry salad ... delicious!!
I used sugar snap peas instead of broccoli and a mixture of roasted sweet potato and pumpkin and served it with Atlantic Salmon for dinner and then I had the left overs for lunch at football with some tinned tuna ... both ways were yummy!
There are so many recipes that I want to try ... the Chia crusted salmon with Asian greens and tamari dressing will be tried soon.
The main problem I have is getting the different grains. Quinoa, brown rice, oats and barley are all available at my local IGA so that's easy but some of the others are still being searched for. The GLO "health food shop" in Port Lincoln has some of the grains and then others were found online at The Essential Ingredient . Millet is being ordered through GLO.
Looking forward to finding more grains and trying more recipes. Tamar tried the carrot quinoa cake which sounds good and with the naughty cream cheese frosting :-)
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