Sunday, April 13, 2014

Soft shell crab ...

So tonight we tried cooking soft shell crab ...

We bought them frozen from The Fresh Fish Place in Port Lincoln.

I Googled to find a few recipes ...

to get some ideas.

If you need to clean the crabs here was a short You Tube clip ... I discovered that we needed to clean ours :-)

We ended up coating our whole soft shell crab with a product sold through The Fresh Fish Place in Port Lincoln, by a company called Squid Inc ... lemon and pepper seasoning.

John shallow fried the whole soft shell crabs for a few minutes. I stir fried some capsicum, spring onions and brocollini with garlic, ginger, chilli and added a little bit of coconut milk at the end.

The photo doesn't look great but it tasted really good :-)

Wave clouds ...

We saw these wave clouds out from our back yard on 7th April ... amazing sight :-)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fishing out from Coffin Bay

John took the 3 boys fishing last weekend and they caught this ...

Then John and I went out with Lachlan and caught 26 King George whiting!! Yum!

Yesterday they had a bit of luck with 11 King George whiting.