Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Photo a day ...
Clair is doing it ... here.
I can hear the tinsel rustling ...
This decoration was bought at our local Christian Book shop ... I think it is beautiful!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
25 days until Christmas album ...

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Cricket ...
One last fire photo ...
A few more photos ...
From over the side garden fence to the paddock - looks a bit closer in this one.
From the road where it jumped over the paddock fence.
Our house in the background.
We went for a drive in the paddock last night to see where it started - 40 hectares of stubble burnt. Thankfully no standing crop was damaged on our farm but our neighbour lost about 5 hectares of wheat unfortunately. The fire was started by lightening.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Today ...
I have some of the burnt area that I will post tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Hannah and her new skirt ...
I don't think I have made an item of clothing since about year 8 at school in dress making but thought I'd give it a go!!
On our recent patchwork road trip I bought some fabric and after the Santa Sack yesterday I thought I would keep the sewing machine out and try the skirt!!
She seems to like it!! Anything that twirls is popular! She wont wear the miniskirts much anymore because they don't "spin"!!
I will take some more twirly ones later ... too many flies and too much sun in the backyard!
I got the free pattern ... here
I think I am going to make another one but make a few modifications ... more fabric!!
2. make the fabric around the skirt less and the length longer
3. make sure I have elastic before I make another one ... I will put that in later when I get it (she just wants to wear it now!! :-)
4. But I am going to make another one!! Stay tuned!!
Now what will I sew next ... ???
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Today ...
a very simple Santa Sack for a special little boy!!
It will be in the post on Monday!!
Now maybe tonight or tomorrow there might be a little bit of scrapping done or my "homework" for a on line course I am doing!