we were on the look out ...
I saw a neighbour roaring up our drive (I thank her so very much - Tracey xo) ...
it was the first I knew that there was a grass fire in the paddock next to our house ...
I left with 2 children and absolutely nothing else and then picked up the other two as John arrived home to fight the fire ...
it was very scary ...
when I got home the fire was close to our house but not as close as I had imagined ...
the CFS and local farmers did an amazing job as well as the fire bombers!!!
Thank you to them so very much!
My neighbour sent me some photos to scrap!!
I have some of the burnt area that I will post tomorrow.
I've got some shots too Meredith if you would like them. There's even a couple of the water bombers letting their load go. I was thinking of you a lot and I would have done the same. just grab the kids and run. I tried to ring to see if I could help you with the kids or any gear or stuff, but by then you would have left I reckon. I'm so very glad to hear that you, the kids and home is safe.
I'll put those pics on a disc and pop into your PO box tomorrow.
one of the kids had heard it was at your place so I was thinking of you.Glad alls well now!
Glad to hear all is well Meredith we were thinking of you up there watching the lightening. We had some over Marble Range this am but thankfully 2 fires were put out by the bit of rain that came with it are thankful that came this morning not yesterday with that wind.
Sorry forgot to put my name on the above comment.
Glad everything panned out OK was certainly thinking of you, things were abit cayotic for awhile hopefully cooler weather with no wind is here to stay. Yes thinking I need to rethink some fire plans but would have done the same take the precious cargo (kids) and go.
Hope you can get back to reaping soon.x
OMG A bit too close for comfort - so glad to hear you and your kids and family and house are all ok :) phew! Wish I could send the rain we have been having over there. Take care and keep an eye out please. XX Mel
Just so glad that everything turned out ok Meredith..
Was thinking of you and glad all ended up OK, it's a busy and scarry experience for sure!!
Glad to hear everything is OK meredith. Bit scary!! we lost our power yesterday afternoon and have only just got it back and not knowing what is happening is scary. to close for comfort though, but glad you are all safe
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