The RAAF Roulettes ... there were 6!!
They were almost nausea inducing with their amazing skill and precision!!! I had to look away a few times - sensational!
The amount of timne it would take to organise such an event is incredible and it went off so very well!
Chris Sperou was there too in his gorgeous red plane!!
The finale was Dave Benson parachuting in with the Australia flag ... very clever!
I think the organisers would have been thrilled with the crowd ... not sure how many but lots!!
Last night we went to the Dinner in the Hangar ... can't show any of the photos but we had a fantabulous time with lots of laughs!!
great photos!
and yes hats off the the organisers!!
Spectacular photos!!! And was definitely a fantastic event-well done to all the organizers! Glad the photos from the previous night didn't make it on to your blog!!xx
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