I watched a DVD!!!

Julie & Julia ... I really enjoyed it and it felt like just a little bit of escapism!
The best bit was that it was virtually a guilt free experience because I made my way through my pile of ironing at the same time!!
Now I might just be able to put the iron board back in the laundry as it has been in the lounge room for weeks!!
The story is set in two period of time and in Paris and Queens /New York. It is based upon Julie Powell's experience of blogging about cooking all of Julia Childs's recipes over a period of a year.
Julie wrote a book upon which the film is based (obviously!!) ... I think I need to go order a copy online right now!!
I feel really inspired and uplifted from just relaxing and watching this movie.
One quirky thing about the movie was that Meryl Streep spoke how Julia Childs obviously spoke ... I think she would have had a hoarse voice by the end of filming!!
The other DVD I bought recently (as you could guess I don't usually buy DVD except for the kids since I haven't watched one in so long!!) was Lost In Translation starring Bill Murray ... I heard a reviewer on the ABC last year who recommended it so the next time I have a pile of ironing and a free afternoon I'll be watching that!!

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