Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Escape 2 Create challenge layout ... paint
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Father's Day mini book
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Farm stuff
By the time the kids finished school and I gotten ready to take them all down for a look I was tearing my hair out with harvest fever!! And this isn't even the real harvest time yet!!
Saturday saw a visit to Granny & Pop's for a catch up with the others and then the afternoon at home with a bit of scrapping ... nothing actually finished though!
Today has been tidy up day ... read on if you have nothing better to do (boring!!)
Every year or so I have a huge tidy up of our pantry, everything is taken out, all out of date stuff thrown out and a few other things thrown out that I realise I haven't used since the last clean up!
I didn't take any before photos but it looked like a rubbish tip!
I always feel guilty about the food that has expired since the last clean up and convince my self that it wont get that messy again ... of course it always does.
John always says I buy too much stuff but I always like to have a few options up my sleeve for meals! Although I must confess that I have rather a large number of tins of soup which I am not sure what I was planning on using them for and if we ate all that tinned corn we would owe a few carbon credits from the gas!!
Any way the job is done ... it always takes me ages to get around to doing it then I can't stop looking at how tidy it is afterwards!! Roll eyes ... boring I know but compared to how it was ... WOW now!
At least now I can see how long it stays tidy for!! LOL
The after shots ...
Better go and check on the kids ... Hannah is asleep, Jack is on the tractor with John and I can hear Rohan and Lachlan playing but a bit too close to Hannah's room!! How many times do they need to be told to be quiet when she is asleep? She has lived here for 2 years and has had a sleep everyday in that time!! LOL!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pool open!!!
They loved it last year and I think it will be the same this year!
Found this photo the other day - taken 19th Jan 2007 ... really love it.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A bit more of this and that!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
A couple of layouts
Saturday, October 18, 2008
This and that
This morning the boys had a game of Junior Scrabble with John and they they got out the normal Scrabble!! So Jack and I played John and Rohan. I haven't played Scrabble for years!! It was fun. John and I both remember playing it as kids.
(And Jack and I won by 10 points!!)
I am teaching my Transparency mini book class on Melbourne Cup day in Cummins, for the Shabby Chic Shack girls from Lock. Know of a couple of people interested so hopefully it will be a fun day!
These photos were taken by one of the Shabby Chic's, Jo Schell!! Contact the girls if you are interested.

Now hopefully a bit of scrapping will get done today and I will have a layout to post next time!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Webster's pages
Don't you just love the designs and colours!!
I hope we can get these in Australia!!
Visit their blog for a chance to win a giveaway!! Follow this link ... hoo!!!
... she has had an "item" picked up to be published in an American magazine, Scrapbook Trends!!!
In my opinion this mag is fantastic.
I have a few copies published this year that I have bought on eBay!!! ;-)
They photograph their projects really well and the format is smaller but a layout per page.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
This little boy ...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sending happy birthday wishes
Sunday, October 12, 2008
No scanner here!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The annual Cummins Show
I will leave with a few recent photos!!
Rohan in the shearing shed.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Today ... shearing
For some reason I always get a bit tetchy preparing food for shearers!! One time I got over to the shearing shed and there was no plates or crockery to eat with!!
Although today we only have one shearer ... Ben.
In fact each time I do the food for shearing, which isn't very often mind you, it actually gets easier to prepare (the food that is!!). Fortunately Ben is a healthy / modern eater so today it was paninis made by our local bakery, Five Loaves, in Cummins - make what you like and toast them!! I had the selection of items laid out on platters - yummy!! Then just fresh fruit. Much easier than having to prepare hot food and get it across to the shearing shed ... I always worry it wont be hot enough!!
When I arrived with the lunch the 3 boys walked out with their "shearer's singlets" on parade!! Then Hannah wanted to get in on the act so I tried to get a photo but getting 4 kids to look at the camera is almost impossible!!
Got a few other photos but might need to spruce them up in Photoshop later!!
Thank you for the suggestions for scanner / printer type combos. Any more would be great!! I generally don't print a lot of photos at home so that is not my reason for getting one. I would like to be able to scan old photos and layouts, easily and with a good quality result.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A quick layout for today!!
A couple of layouts
Journaling reads "You really wanted a fishing rod for your 7th birthday - the only stipulation was that it had to be as big or bigger than Lachlan's!! On its first trip out, on Father's Day, to the Coffin Bay jetty the line got wet but it didn't perform!! Better luck next time Jack!".
Still wanting a scanner - need some recommendations - looking at a printer / scanner type combo, maybe a fax too. Really want one that can do 12 x 12 inch layouts easily, but not a 12 x 12 inch printer. Please leave a comment with any ideas!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Flat Show
SES tattoo
Face painting
Spiderman in action!!
Horse and cart / trolley rides (check out Spiderman!!)
The kids had fun and that is what is all about for us!!
Next weekend it is the Cummins Show so we'll be off to that. I am a steward for the Handicrafts section (I think that's what it's called), made up of patchwork, knitting, embroidery etc. Last year I entered a couple of things and won one section and I think got a second in another but I haven't done much since so no entries this year. They have a scrapbooking section that is well entered so that will be good to see!!
Might post some scrapping layouts tomorrow, have done a couple over the weekend and a mini book for Jack, still to do the journaling for that though.
Happy days!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Happy anniversary baby!!!
Hannah, John & our darling nephew Bailey, at Point Avoid, Coffin Bay National Park
At this point we aren't going anywhere to celebrate!! John had an idea and mine was a little different but the Port Lincoln Hotel ( is booked out tomorrow night so we wont be going there!!
We did have a delicious meal at home tonight though - undercut steak, mash potato, asparagus, leeks and haloumi with a 1998 Penfolds 707 red - very nice!! Very clever of John to have a great red from the year we got married!!!
Worked today ... thought I'd finish at about 11.30 but ended up finishing at 2pm!!! Feel like I need a big sleep tonight, hopefully the kids sleep tonight.
Thank you for my birthday wishes, especially from my very dear friend of many years, Sarah in ACT - lovely to receive your beautiful card and e-mail!!! So wish we could catch up more often - haven't seen her for 2 and a bit years I reckon.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Happy birthday to me ... !!!
Well today we returned from our holiday (3 nights) at the beautiful Coffin Bay. Stayed at the best location in Coffin Bay in my opinion!!
Mum and Dad were totally surprised about all of us being there so that was great!
Unfortunately I had to work on Wednesday and Thursday morning, and tomorrow morning.
Jack & Lachlan made friends with the 2 girls next door at the shack and had lots of fun.Look at those cheeky faces!!
Went out for tea tonight at the Cummins Hotel and had a yummy meal - hadn't been there for so long and it was really good.
Mum & Dad head home tomorrow and my sisters went home today. The kids loved seeing their cousins.
I'll try to post some more photos in the next few days.
Tomorrow is our 10th wedding anniversery ... not sure what we are doing yet - John had an idea and mine was a little different!! LOL!! Will have to see who is available to have the 4 children I suppose!!